It is with great pleasure that we present a painting campaign from Germany.Children have painted wonderful images of the rain forest in which they show which animals they love and how wonderful nature is. You will be touched by their artwork and inspired to preserve the last rain forests on our Earth and protect the animals in them.
In addition, we have prepared creative photos and ideas that are especially motivating and show the opportunities available for making a contribution to protecting our planet:(nature protection and animal welfare = human protection)
The children have given it their all, and now we send these images all over the world with your help. Many thanks to all the media, associations, Internet sites, and "Facebook shares" that present/link to this wonderful project so that even more people can learn about it, be inspired, and lend a hand. We are responsible for how we leave this world to our children and grandchildren!Every contribution counts - everyone can take action - together we can protect our Earth!
the German Federal Environmental Agency, Fairtrade Germany and The Blue Angel