learn to swim & learn to dive

Foreword to swimming

Have you ever asked yourself how a swimming teacher manages, in just a few hours, to teach children something that parents have been trying to train their child in all summer? Why is it that children also have so much fun with the swimming teacher and even want to practice more? How come children happily dive and leap into the water after a few hours, even though some of them were extremely frightened of water when just washing their hair? The key to success is a step-by-step, systematic approach. Unlike ‘doggy paddling’, the breaststroke technique is not a naturally inborn sequence of movements – so the intervals between the swimming lessons should not be too long. Developing this new, efficient movement takes time and patience, as it's made up of a number of individual movements. Without proper guidance, particularly during the initial phase of getting used to the water, diving and breathing techniques, so many mistakes are made that the learner chokes on water, develops fears and loses interest. This is why it's a good idea to gain some professional knowledge beforehand, as this allows learning to swim to be an enjoyable experience, step by step. Next step: How to swim - 1. Personal motivation

Learn to Swim

Swimming Lesson - Step by Step

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learn to swim

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